This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Natalie Hodson, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #abscorepelvicfloor I've never been one to shy away from hard topics when it comes to women's health and I'm excited that, today, I finally get to dig deeper into one of my very favorite topics that most women don't talk about. The health of our core and pelvic floor post-baby. I've personally suffered from Pelvic Floor Disorder and pelvic inflammation for years, even before Grey was born, and after a 29 hour natural labor, four hours of pushing and a traumatic birth, my pelvic issues have continued since his arrival and I stay diligent to do all I can to support the health of my abs, core and pelvis. Not only for my health throughout life, but for when and if I'm blessed to carry and birth another little baby. In addition to pelvic floor therapy and massage, I have been following Natalie Hodson's Abs, Core and Pelvic Floor program to work on my pelvic floor and core health daily. Therapy and massage can be pricey, and with a one year old, hard to get in for appointments as often as I'd like. Natalie's program allows me to stay on top of my body's performance and health every day, even with a baby in the room. Along with Dr. Monique Middlekauf, a specialist in pelvic floor dysfunction, this program is well-rounded, touching not only on exercises that can help your overall pelvic floor and core health, but it also includes nutrition help, supplement advice and encouraging self-talk affirmations. To be honest, I actually cried a few tears of joy when I found out about this book and program. I've been searching for ways to minimize pain and improve function in between doctor visits and this has been such a blessing to me, and by extension to my family, because when I feel better and have an outlet to exercise in a safe, effective way that supports the post-partum issues we as mamas can deal with, I am a happier person overall. The program is an easy 30-day program that can be done right in your own living room. It addresses issues such as pelvic floor dysfunction (raises hand), Diastasis Recti (a problem that plagues many of my mama friends and clients) as well as helping with overall fitness and turning our mom-bods into leaner, healthier bods we can feel good in. Natalie and Dr. Middlekauf are extremely knowledgeable and the program is written well and is easy to understand and follow along. Women are able to start the program as early as 6 weeks post-partum (or as advised by your doctor) and on. It's never to late to start taking care of your core and pelvic floor, and even women who haven't gone through childbirth but who suffer from pelvic or abdominal muscle conditions, can benefit from this program. Issues ranging from incontinence to chronic tightness (my personal ailment) to painful intercourse and urinary problems (also mine), can be improved by putting effort into supporting such an important part of our bodies. As mamas who are looking to get back in shape, I know a lot of us jump right back into our old routine - crunches, planks, vigorous workouts - when in reality, as a personal sufferer of pelvic floor disorder, and with fellow moms struggling with Diastastis Recti, these are big no-no's in getting yourself back on track and they can actually increase your pain and underlying issues. Abs, Core & Pelvic Floor addresses all of these key points and gives us women alternative, beneficial exercises that can not only help us get back into shape, but that support our issues, helping to heal, restore and strengthen. The entire program is available in a printable PDF, as well as a series of videos, to further assist in understanding how to do each exercise, how to engage your muscles and how to use the right form to prevent injury. There's also bonus information on nutrition, which, as a nutritionist, I found exciting to see included because it is such an important piece of the health puzzle. Taking steps to improve my pelvic health, is HONESTLY, one of the BEST decisions I ever made for myself. It personally changed MY life, which is why I am SO passionate about it, and why I don't shy away from the topic when other women want me to share my story or ask for advice. Personally, from one mama friend to another, I would suggest you speak to your doctor or a pelvic floor therapist in your area to assess and diagnose your specific issues. To learn more about this amazing 30-day program, read more on Abs, Core & Pelvic Floor on Natalie's website! And when you do start the program, reach out! I'd love to cheer you on and do it along with you! Find more on the program and follow along my journey on Instagram as well with the #AbsCorePelvicFloor hashtag. Although it's a 30-day program, I plan to integrate their exercises, stretches and tips in to my day to day workouts. Take the step, you won't regret. I feel so much stronger, healthier and so many issues have improved since I've implemented my game plan to better pelvic health. There is so much valuable information to gain from this program, in addition to what I was already doing, that I can use for life and am so thankful for it, and for them.
Today's #FitnessFriday post is by the awesome Michael Gales at Everlast. I came across his post and have had so many chats with friends, clients and my instructors on the ability to succeed with building muscle and training well while living a vegan lifestyle. Michael explains it so well, so I've asked my awesome team at Everlast Nutrition if I could share some of his expertise and they agreed. A Friendly Reminder: All products purchased through Everlast Nutrition can be bought at a discount with added gifts when using the promo code NOSHEVERLAST upon check out. Historically, plant-based proteins were deemed not as effective for muscle building as their animal counterparts, due to their amino acid profile. For years, soy seemed to be the only alternative to animal-based whey protein. The problem with soy, however, was that it also had the reputation of boosting estrogen levels, so many people were reluctant to touch it. Vegan protein has evolved significantly in recent years, as more and more people look to alternatives for whey and soy. Not only are plant-based proteins as effective as their animal counterparts, but here are 6 other reasons to go green for muscle building: 1. Complete Amino Acid Profile
Believe it or not, there are vegan proteins with complete amino acid profiles, high in both BCAAs and glutamine. In fact, all-natural rice and pea protein blends now rival the traditional sources of whey and egg. The goal of any quality protein supplement is to deliver proper nutrition, in order for its users to increase lean muscle mass and strength. The new vegan blends have high bioavailability, which increases post-workout recovery. The protein is quickly digested and delivered to the muscles to reduce the catabolic effect of training. Not to mention, the new vegan blends are now quite effective at helping with lean muscle mass growth. 2. No Lactose Lactose is not only a problem for lactose intolerant people, but for everyone else as well. Proteins with higher levels of lactose can cause bloating, gas and flatulence. Thankfully, vegan proteins are lactose-free, so they’re easily digested (without causing any stomach issues). Believe me, no one wants to be trapped in an elevator next to the guy who just had 2 scoops of low quality protein. 3. No Ethical Issues Many people prefer to avoid animal-based proteins, foods and other products for ethical, religious or dietary reasons. Luckily, there’s vegan proteins, which are plant based and don’t violate these people’s beliefs or principles. 4. Free of Hormones In recent years, health-conscious people have clamored for a protein that’s just as effective as animal protein, but is free from all the chemicals that are fed to livestock. Chemicals are typically not present in whey protein, but many people don’t want to take any chances. Many gym-goers also avoid soy out of fear that soy protein will affect their estrogen levels. The new vegan protein mixture of rice and peas eliminates those concerns and also rivals the muscle-building effects of whey. 5. Hypoallergenic It’s not just what the new vegan blends have; it’s also what they don’t have that makes them so attractive. They’re not only free of dairy products, but they also have no gluten, simple sugar or cholesterol. The new premium vegan protein blends are also sweetened naturally with stevia, as opposed to aspartame. All of these qualities make the vegan blend a good option for those with allergies or high cholesterol. 6. Better Tasting A big factor for any protein supplement is taste. You can have the most effective protein mix in the world, but if it makes you gag, there’s no way you’ll keep drinking it. Yeah, I’m talking about you, vegetarian protein sources. For years, the taste and consistency were, to put it politely, lacking. The new premium vegan blends are much better, with a smooth consistency and pleasant taste. In fact, in a blind taste test, you’d be hard pressed to pick out the vegan drink.
It's lightweight container also makes it easy to pop into my gym tote, backpack or purse and it lasts a long time. And you can enter to win TWO free bottles (one for you, and one for a fitness buddy) by clicking here because I think you beautiful ladies all deserve to be luxuriously hydrated too!
In addition to my yoga mat, headphones and water bottle, it keeps my gym bag light while allowing me to feel fresh and go about the rest of my day. What special items makes your gym sessions feel luxurious and keep you refreshed? This is a sponsored post. I received free product from Evian in exchange for writing this review. Although this post is sponsored, all opinions, as well as the photography, are my own. You ever have days where you set your intentions to work out, you head into your gym or home gym and then you space on your routine or lose motivation, ending up being less productive than planned? For those of you saying no, well that's awesome for you, haha, you probably have an organized workout regiment that you stick with. But those of you like me, who outside of tried and true favorites, don't have a structured plan of action each time your Nike's hit the gym floor - this post is for you. Mr. Charming and I put together this master list of ab exercises and it's framed on our gym wall. A few times a week we set our intentions on a number, 200, 300 etc. and then pull from the list the exercises we want to knock out in sets of 20. It gives us the opportunity to mix it up daily and allows us to get right into our workouts without much planning. Below you will find our bank of 20 abdominal exercises that you can mix and match to make your optimal workout of the day. When added with cardio and yoga or Pilates, your abs will get an awesome workout each week!
If you have any questions on the above exercises, leave it in the comments! Most of them are pretty straight forward, and if you are used to working out shouldn't be anything new. It's just convenient to have a handy-dandy list in place so you can pick and choose and knock them out without much planning.
Have any to add to the list or do you have a favorite? I'd love to know! Happy summer to my healthy foodie & fitness girls & guys! We have a SUPER special #FitnessFriday for you today!! Yoga, for me, has always been a way to brush off the morning sleepiness, prepare for my day, pray and stretch out tightness that has settled overnight. It’s also a retreat when I’ve had a long or stressful day, or my pelvic issues are acting up and I need to open my hips. I love being able to go into our little home gym and put in a good thirty to sixty minutes with my mat. Which is why I am SO excited about this week’s AMAZING giveaway that YOU GUYS get to be a part of. Cat from The Rustic Willow allowed me to include my readers in her AMAZING Yoga Giveaway in celebration of her one-year Blogiversary. I'll let her explain the goodies.. take it away Cat!! Hi all! My name is Cat and I'm the blogger over at The Rustic Willow. I've been blogging for one year now, and what a year it's been! I've learned an incredible amount in one year (more than I could ever explain in one blog post) and have made endless bloggy friends.
In celebration, the folks at Aurorae Yoga have agreed to give away a Yoga Kit, which includes one yoga mat in the color of your choice and one soy candle in the scent of your choice to one lucky winner! (U.S. Only) They're SO sweet to do this for me and I'm so stoked to be able to offer these wonderful prizes to you! Aurorae prides itself on offering a wide variety of products that are both environmentally friendly and safe for both humans and animals. Their yoga mats are free of Phthalates, Latex and Silicone and all of their products are all SGS approved. Additionally, their candles are may from 100% natural soy wax. Whether you're an expert in yoga or just starting out, the giveaway is a great addition to anyones fitness collection. To enter just follow the link to the Rafflecopter by clicking here! Good luck!
Just as important as a good sweat session, meditation helps to relax us, clear our minds and steady us for what the day, week or moment will bring.
There's a specific CD that I use that I love, It's a meditation CD that my CB Therapist gave me that is all led by God's word. Meditating to scripture helps connect me to what's important and let's me rest and relax for twenty minutes at the beginning or end of my day. For a quick recharge, try this calming 2 minute video below by my friend Rachel Zeskind. While paradise is probably at the top of all of our lists for the perfect place to relax and recharge, all you need is a quiet space to sit or lay, where you can be cool, calm and comfortable. Even an office breakroom, airplane seat or heck, a bathroom if you're a busy mom looking to grab two minutes of calm, will work for this short, but effective, video. Share on social media with the hashtag #FitnessFriday to connect and share with others.
Through my position at Runway, I've had the privilege to work with the beautiful Holistic Health & Wellness Coach Rachel Zeskind. She is one of our fabulous writers and always has something to share regarding clean living, eating well, managing stress and an abundance of fitness tips.
From time to time we are going to be sharing one of her wonderful recipes, videos or articles to help inspire a healthy and fitness driven attitude for this summer. I've personally had a very stressful week - and needed something to help me recenter, get focused and be calm while helping to relax my muscles. Aside from my prayer time in the mornings, I like to unwind with gentle stretching, breathing techniques and Rachel's stress-reduction yoga video. The video takes just over 90 seconds and is a great way to end the day or break up a busy day. For more - visit This is a sponsored post. I received a free sample packet of Everlast VP Pro Vegan Protein Mix from Everlast Nutrition and Blogdash for review. All opinions, as well as photography, are my own. The name Everlast has been somewhat of a fixture in my home since I was a little girl. Growing up I always watched my dad watching the boxing greats. Ali, Sugar Ray Leonard and Holyfield were men my dad cheered on as a hobby. He also had a gym in our garage where he would box and workout. Though I may not remember any details from any of the matches, I was after all, only five years old, I do remember his red Everlast boxing gloves. I always felt so cool sneaking them and pretending to box, my tiny little arms dwarfed by the over-sized gloves. It was a symbol of strength and ability. And I liked that. They say many things in life come back around, and when I was honored to be asked to be a Brand Ambassador for Everlasts' new vegan protein line, the little girl in me grinned. I am always happy to get behind a product that promotes a healthy and fitness driven lifestyle, so I had to try their new protein powder - as smoothies for breakfast when I'm busy are my life. Now, do keep in mind that the powder is not 100% Paleo, due to the inclusion of rice protein, but since I handle rice in moderation, and it's found in my other prescribed, anti-inflammatory powders, I weighed the pros against the cons, and the Everlast powder is a win in my book. If you are vegan, and can tolerate rice, this is a great option. It's a vanilla-flavored blend of pea, rice and hemp protein and packs a whopping 22 grams of protein per serving. That's over half my daily requirement for my weight! AND, NO GMOS and NO SUGAR. It's naturally sweetened with Stevia. Win and win again. If you'd like to try it for yourself, you can visit - and they are currently having a sale! Nosh & Nurture readers can ALSO save an additional 5% on top of any site discounts by using the promo code NOSHEVERLASTOn top of all that goodness, right now they are giving away a free workout shirt with every order while supplies last. Free clothes are always a plus! And OF course, I wouldn't leave you guys hanging without a smoothie recipe. The protein powder blends beautifully with many juice, fruit or veggie options, or you can even drink it in water. I myself prefer a fruit and veggie smoothie for added fiber and vitamins to pair with the powders stellar amino acid profile. Scroll down to see how I blended up my smoothie today before my workout & enjoy! Everlast Smoothie Recipe For Optimal Performance -
- 1 Scoop Vanilla Everlast Vegan Protein - 1 Banana - 1/2 C. Mango, Cubed - 1 C. Frozen Organic Strawberries - 1/2 C. Coconut Milk - 1/2 C. Orange Juice Blend in your Ninja or comparable blender, serve and enjoy cold. You can also use it in a green smoothie, or any of my many other smoothie recipes found here. I would love to hear your feedback on your favorite Everlast protein product. Nosh & Nurture readers can use the promo code NOSHEVERLAST site wide for any product - including their Everlast Lean weight loss solutions for women. Spring is upon us, and if you're like me, someone who loves to walk & run in the great outdoors, this time of year can rain on our parades. In the form of pollen, and dust, and sometimes, even literal rain. Since cleaning up my diet, my seasonal allergies are definitely much, much better, but there are days when the pollen is so high that jogging outside gets my eyes watering & itching and invites the sneezing & sinus pressure. That's why it's good to have indoor workouts in your back pocket so that you don't miss out on your fitness, and can still get your heart rate going and the calories burning. This thirty minute treadmill workout is a good easy to moderate workout for walking and light jogging, maxing out at 6 or 7 miles per hour. It's one of the treadmill workouts I started with when I was training to work in more cardio.
The elliptical has to be my favorite form of cardio. With past knee injuries and a pelvic floor disorder it is a comfortable and low-impact way for me to get in a good workout. I love to mix it up and try different variations of 30,60 and 90 minute workouts. Below is a challenging, but rewarding, 20 minute workout that is sure to make you sweat and burn calories.
June 2020