As an ambassador for Seeking Health, this post may contain affiliate links. I adore this company, take their products daily and stand behind their quality 100%. As an avid fan of Seeking Health, their mission and the quality of their products, most of what you will find in my home when it comes to supplements and caring for our bodies outside of food will be the Seeking Health brand. In this season my focus is on lowering inflammation, detoxing heavy metals, mold exposure and possible candida, repairing gut health, and boosting immunity. As many of my readers and clients are in need of the same support (as are most people), I've listed my current favorite lineup below (not all pictured above). Already an affordably priced supplement line (which is a beautiful thing for allergen-free, non-gmo products that use no artificial colors or flavorings), I also have a coupon code for my readers and clients for their first order - just use NOSHNURTURE10 upon checkout for 10% off. Without further adieu, here are my daily go-to's. Also, again, I am not a doctor. I can not diagnose, treat or cure any disease. I am just passionate about natural health and supplementing our bodies with what we need. I am under the care of a naturopathic physician who helps guide me on what my body needs and I order accordingly. Seeking Health Favorites - Summer 2019 |
4. Keep A Journal. By keeping a journal, I am able to share food ideas as well as my specific struggles along the way. I can reference back to how it went the last time each time I embark on a new cleanse, and it gives me hope to read about the days I felt lighter, lost weight or felt super energized!
5. Don’t Beat Yourself Up. Remember that you are doing this for YOU. For you to feel GOOD. To feel LIGHT and HEALTHY. If you mess up, it’s OK. Be kind with you
t’s that time of year again. When we all set out to refresh. Wipe the slate clean. Become A “New” Person, whatever that last one means. This intention is masked with words like “resolutions”, “goal setting” and “complete turnaround”, and while the effort we make is commendable, sometimes we are setting ourselves up for disappointment if our January 1st To-Do list isn’t completed by the next time the ball drops.
Today I wanted to focus on healthier goal setting, specifically one of the most popular trends on every social media feed and that is “Completing a Sugar Detox” or a “Sugar Cleanse”. If you are unfamiliar with the concept, it’s a basic whole food diet that eliminates starches, breads, pastas, starchy vegetables and sugar in any form. As someone who has personally done a sugar detox in the past, and as someone who doesn’t consume dairy, my diet looked a little something like this.
– Grass-Fed and Free-Range Organic Meats
– Organic Vegetables and Some Organic Fruits
– Nuts and/or Seeds
– Healthy Fats (Avocado, Olive Oil, Coconut Oil)
Diets rich in these foods with help to cleanse and reset your system from all the holidays treats that it had to endure over the last few months and it will help you realize what you crave, what you’re sensitive too and what you can most likely live without.
As someone who has been through this, I am here to paint the honest picture of the roller coaster that you might, er, will endure, and how to fight off your sugar dragon like a superhero.
Surviving Your Cleanse
Day One – You’re going to feel great. Powerful. Determined. You’ve spent your paycheck on the cleanest of clean foods and you’re ready to take on the world with a version of yourself that’s fitter, more energetic and healthier. Hold on to her. Hold on to this feeling and vision, because I am about to tell you that she will disappear or turn on you, but that there’s hope and she DOES come back.
Days Two – Four. Or Ten. Not going to sugar coat it, mmmm sugar coating, this is the hardest stretch and this is how your mind will start to work. Everything you look at will resemble a donut. Your energy levels will drop drastically and you may experience an onslaught of detox symptoms. One may wonder, why would I continue on with such a wretched lifestyle? Because you’re worth it. Your health is worth it and it gets… So. Much. Better.
Days 10-14 – Your energy will surprisingly pop up sometime this week. You will actually want to work out instead of dragging yourself out of bed from your nap, and you will wonder how you still have energy to clean the house or walk the dog. You will start to see fat melting off and definition setting in, (more so if you’ve been working out along the way.) It’s a good time. Enjoy this time.Skip along joyfully with your bag of washed carrots in hand and easily turn away the offers of sugar and starch filled foods at the office or your kiddo’s play date.
Days 14-20 – Halfway there! This is where I really got into the groove of making recipes, experimenting and eating more variety of approved foods. I started to get more confident of my time in the kitchen and I had cooking and packing my husband’s lunch down to a science.
Days 21-29 – The sugar dragon strikes again! Around day 21, I almost gave up. The dragon kept saying, “You’ve done well enough.” “A three week detox is just as good as a four week detox.” “Coooooookies.” Don’t give in. Don’t listen to it. You made a commitment to go 30 days on your new healthy plan. Stick it out. Remember on Day 8 when you didn’t want to get out of bed, your head was throbbing and all you wanted was a gallon of hot coffee? Ok, maybe that was just me, we all have our own story, but the point is, don’t let it win.
Day 30 – You did it! Most of the stories you see on the detox plans is simply “I felt great. I got healthier. I was more energized!” And while truth be told, that is the gold at the end of the rainbow, getting there is a journey in itself. Like anything worth having it takes hard work, dedication and a good support system if you can rally one together. When I finished I went to a light grain, low sugar diet and I plan to start another sugar detox, this time my goal is to be strictly Paleo upon completion.
I would love to hear your experiences in taming your own dragon, and what worked for you. I will end with my top five tips for a successful detox.
Next: Read My 5 Best Tips For A Successful Detox

Each serving has 19 grams of protein and 4 grams of fiber in addition to 1,000 grams of Omega 3's. On top of it all, it's naturally sweetened with a touch of Stevia and it tastes delicious. Available in cherry, orange and banana creme, I myself prefer the banana creme. It pairs so yummy with all natural blueberry juice, coconut milk or chocolate almond milk with an added real banana as a dessert treat that takes care of my body. Below is a listing from OrtoMolecular on the specific benefits of each herb. I've also seen many reviews on this product about how well it works, being a saving grace for a lot of patients with IBS. I myself can vouch for this product and highly recommend it to anyone struggling with inflammation problems.
Visit OrthoMolecular's official site here.
Turmeric (Curcumin)
This orange-colored spice, used for thousands of years in cooking and medicine, is rich in curcumin. In numerous studies, curcumin has been shown to have strong NFkB-modulating properties. NFkB plays a crucial role in inflammation. High activity levels of NFkB are associated with cell death and tissue damage. This broad-spectrum activity makes curcumin a great choice for supporting balanced inflammation in the body.
Skullcap Root Extract
Skullcap root has been used historically in Chinese medicine to support balance in the basic inflammatory response function and healthy immune function. Studies show skullcap is a strong scavenger of oxidative radicals, and is also able to promote balanced NFkB activity and maintain normal prostaglandin synthesis.
Green Tea Extract (EGCG)
EGCG, the most well-researched catechin in green tea, has been shown to protect cells from free radical damage and positively affect inflammatory response markers.
Intestinal Reinforcement
Efficacious amount of l-glutamine and glycine, amino acids crucial for mucosal regeneration and tissue repair.
Immune System Balance
Biologically active amount of vitamin D and arabinogalactan for support of proper immune function.
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