How far along? 24 weeks Total Weight Gain/Loss: Put ON weight this time. About 10-15 lbs over pre-pregnancy weight. Clothing Options? Maternity pants and shorts all the way. And Maxi Dresses are my new best friend. Pregnancy Symptoms? Braxton Hicks contractions have introduced themselves to me, mainly when I'm doing dishes or cleaning a lot. My boobs are out of control (sorry, its the truth, haha) and my old bras are no longer part of the equation, it's already to nursing bras. Waking up often to pee. Sleep: Sleeping great is in the past. My bump now has me only sleeping on my side which is causing hip and shoulder pain. Thank God for a Chiropractor and Massage Therapist on my team. Best Moment of Month SIX: I did my first and second maternity shoots this month with Mr. Charming. Super blessed to have a husband who is a photographer. He made me feel so beautiful and I'm happy to have photos of my bump I can look back on and show baby. Biggest Fear of Month SIX We had a wedding to attend where we had to hike a good amount to reach the ceremony and I had some pretty severe cramping that scared me a lot. After sitting for a while and drinking a ton of water it went away, but it was the first time I thought I may need to get checked out. Not so fun. Movement: Tons of kicking!!!! Sometimes I sit and just connect to feeling the baby move. SO wonderful. Food cravings: Savory. Like Paleo burgers and fries. And ice cream since it's been getting really hot. I'm also baking a lot. Muffins, cupcakes. All about the gluten-free baking and breakfasts right now. Aversions: Onions. Belly Button: It's popped! I officially have an outtie. Mood: Happy and energetic! Getting SO much work and housework done. This mustbe the window they say to cherish! haha Looking Forward To: Celebrating my FIRST Mother's Day next month! In other news... I accepted a second editorial position to get in a lot of work before baby comes. BASIC and PALEO LIVING are my magazine homes and I am also starting corporate seminars for Nosh and Nurture Nutrition.
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August 2021