One question we get asked a lot as Christian parents is how we handle the holidays. Do we celebrate with the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus and all of the secular celebration activities that align with Christ centered holidays?
In truth, this was something I hadn't given much thought to pre-motherhood, as we as children did all of those things along with reading the word and going to church. In regards to Easter, we did make the decision to not shine a big light on those "other" things. We focus on Christ first, and our celebrations and gifts are centered there, yet we don't deny him Easter egg hunts or baking cookies on Christmas eve. I did a big post on Easter baskets and gifts for children in general in a previous post, Gifted - An Essay On The Importance of Teaching Value, that you can read by clicking here. Yet, I wanted to share something SUPER sweet and special we are gifting Grey this Easter and there is also info below on how you can get one for you as well below in my giveaway! I've been wanting to graduate Grey out of his first infant bible and I was blessed by Front Gate Media to recieve a complimentary The Tiny Truths Illustrated Bible and I FELL IN LOOOOOOVE. It is true to the bible, presented in a way that engages children. It allows children to discover WHO God is, who WE are to Him and what we were made for.
I love that it's larger format than his previous small bibles and the illustrations are adorable and helps bring each story to life so well.
I can't wait to see him dig into each story as he grows and I would love for one of you lovely readers win one for your little one!
I don't think I've ever felt the Christmas spirit as much as I have this year at Christmastime. Christmas with our almost one and a half year old is one of the most joyous, expectant, beautiful things I've ever experienced. Each morning, in his Christmas themed jammies (you know I bought them all), we sip tea and eat muffins at Grey plays with the "choo choo" grandpa brought him early and it feels like Christmas morning. EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. In addition to the joy of our sweet boy, we have so many blessings to be thankful for. A roof over our heads. Warm clothing. Healthy food in our bellies. Clean water. Friends and family we adore. Some of our best friends are to be married soon. And Mr. Charming and I recently sponsored two children, in Indonesia and Mexico respectively, who we plan, pray and hope to sponsor through high school. They are currently 3 and 4 years old, and are beyond adorable. We will be helping them go to school, get medical care, attend a church and Bible school, get nutritious food and supplements and let them know there are people in this world, in addition to their parents who are working so hard but who are victims are poverty, who love them and are praying for them. I hope that these actions will deliver an example of eternal serving that Greyson can grow up with. I pray that these decisions his father and I make, especially at a time of year that is so muddled with materialism, will plant seeds in his heart that will help grow roots that will keep him on a firm foundation of faith, servanthood and loving Christ. Before we had Grey, and through our struggle with infertility, God put it on my heart to care for a child that wasn't biologically mine. I really struggled with what that meant for a long time, as we so badly wanted a baby that was a piece of my husband and I. I think I had started looking at other options (foster care, adoption) before Mr. Charming, but I'm so glad we kept trying. God's plan is so, so good. And with his blessing of provision, we weren't able to help just one more child, but two. And maybe, down the road it will look different, or another child will share our roof, but for now this is the way we feel called to love on "siblings" around the world for our little man. I pray, as you count down these 14 days left until Christmas, that you can truly soak in the magic of the season. And that you too, will follow your heart and Christ's calling for how you can be a blessing to "the least of these." For more information on how we got involved, is who we went through through our church home, CCV, And P.S. LOOOOOOK at our nugget LAST Christmas. He's growing so fast. |
August 2021