If you've been following the blog for a while or know me personally in any capacity you know I love to celebrate life's moments. Big. Small. All the in between, I believe all of our moments, especially those with our little ones, deserves to be celebrated in a big way. Lexi Kate turned six months old today! She is rolling both ways, can wave hello, babbles to us, deep belly laughs, blows raspberries, loves playing with her toys, ADORES her brother if he does ANYTHING, loves sleep WAY more than Grey did, can sit up unassisted, can clap, can get real mad and sassy if she wants to change what she's doing, still doesn't love the car and went on her first vacation last week to Lake Pleasant in our new RV. And she's become one of the greatest lights in our life and helps fill our home with so, so much love. When Grey turned six months, I was so anxious to celebrate his birthday that I started a tradition to celebrate his half-birthday. That post on his first 1/2 birthday can be found here. Our tradition is to make cupcakes and take photos to commemorate the day. It's such a fun tradition and I wanted to continue it for our little princess. This past six months have been such an amazing blessing with our sweet girl. We still can't believe God blessed us with our darling son and our precious daughter. It's easy to celebrate these little people every day. We adore you Lexi Kate. We will always celebrate you sweet girl, moments big and small. To snag the recipe for the pink champagne cupcakes we whipped up for the occasion, click here. Tell us below if you have any fun traditions celebrating your little ones 1/2 birthdays!
August 2021