.In celebration of #NationalSimplifyYourLifeWeek coming to a close - something has been weighing on me lately. I've always been one to have many irons in the fire. The busy, the different... it has always kept me motivated. It was exciting working on a film one day, performing in concert the next night and then having a span of days to work on a novel. But as I grow, as a career woman, as a wife and as a future hopeful mother... I'm realizing the simplification is a much needed part of life. Of a balanced, God-led life. Hydration is important. This we know. (I hope you know!) If you've followed my blog for a while you know I hold water high on my priority list, as we all should. Aside from the occasional mug of peppermint tea or Crio Bru as a treat, water is all I drink (and even then those beverages are 99% water). It's all I've drank since 2011. It's taught me to really HEAR my body when I'm listening to it. I know when I need another eight ounces, another sixteen ounces. I can tell in my skin, my breathing, my mood and my overall performance in the gym..... We all have dreams and goals in life. Big, huge, life changing dreams - like the perfect job, marrying a great spouse, having beautiful and healthy children. You know, the big life dreams. But then sometimes... we have silly dreams. Dreams, that when they come true, just bring us joy. Because they are fun, they are things that bring back good memories or make us feel warm & fuzzy. Those things. This post is about that kind of a dream... |
Welcome! My name is Mandi & I hope you stay in this happy little space a while. I'm a Christian, a wife to my Mr. Charming, mama to baby Greyson, healthy food-lover, traveler, professional journalist and Personal Nutritionist who hopes to inspire others with my story...
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October 2017