Often when our schedules are SO crazy busy (even when it's filled with things that are crazy good) we don't take time to sit, reflect and be thankful for everything going on around us. So I thought it was time to sit still for a moment and catch up with a Tickle Me Tuesday. For those of you new to the blog, welcome!. Tickle Me Tuesday is my way of keeping a gratitude journal of the things I'm thankful for in my week. I invite everyone to join along on Twitter or Instagram and tag #TickleMeTuesday on Tuesdays with your five favorite things at the moment. 1 // Mr. Charming and I are both starting new jobs this week. Which is super exciting! He continues to move up in the dental world (so proud of my Dr. to be!) and I am working with a board of tourism as well as landing a new position at a new magazine. I continue to grow my blog/brand, but missed working in fashion. So praying & seeing where God takes it all. 2 // It's FALL!!!! There really isn't any further need to elaborate. But. Good weather, fall baking, travel, family. Love love love. 3 // Gilmore Girls is releasing 4 NEW mini-movies. Hoping to see the Luke & Lorelai story play out better and get the ending we always wanted for the show. It's even cooler now that I got to spend a day in Stars Hollow this Spring. 4 // These pancakes. 5 // Reflecting on all the amazing travel we've been doing and staying at this hotel was just amazing. Would love to hear your favorite moments from the week! Share below or tag #TickleMeTuesday on social media!
November 2018