Those before me always said, that once I became an adult, and especially when I became a mother, that time would fly by. At lightening speed. And there wasn't a darn thing I could do about it. And as I spent part of the the day looking at photos and "Timehops" from 2004, days and nights that seem like just yesterday, I get a gnawing in the pit of my stomach. That 14 years FLEW BY. Just like that. And now that I'm a mother, I'll blink, and my 1 year old will be 15. And I have to catch my breath as these thoughts swirl in my tired little brain. Every year since 2015, as I prayed for it, God has put a word on my heart. A word of the year if you will. "Diligence" became a focus that first year in which he'd like me to work all areas of my life. I took it to heart and was diligent in not only studying the word to become closer with Him, but I also finished a degree in nutrition and stayed the course in trying to get pregnant. As unfun as finals and invasive infertility tests were. He blessed and delivered. His promises are so good. Always. For 2016 he placed "abundance" on my heart. And He delivered. Not only were we blessed with the greatest blessing of all, our son Grey, after years of infertility, but we also received amazing job opportunities, traveled with our sweet darling newborn to beautiful places and made new friendships. The year, as exhausting it was with a new little boy, was definitely abundantly blessed. I feel like it marked such a significant year in our life. Sometimes its hard for me to grasp all the beauty that was wrapped up in this one year of our life, because to be honest, for so much of it I felt like we were simply surviving. Learning how to be parents. Learning how to be a married couple with a baby. Learning how to function on minimal sleep. All of it, just learning my new role as a mother, wife, daughter of the King. And as the days, even looking back on them, blur together into one hazey picture, I know this year is one i'll treasure at the top. 2017 the word "Community" came through clear as day and I set about seeking friendships that I could pour myself into, while at the same time finding fellow women and moms who could in turn fill my cup as well. Mr. Charming and I did well at keeping up with our friendships, dinner hosting and party planning. We made relationships outside of our little family bubble a priority last year and it really paid off in so many amazing ways. Just building the tribe we call ours and we're excited to see the relationships continue to flourish in the future. 2018 arrived and I was excited for the focus area God would ask me to look towards. In all honesty I was hoping for something really exciting. Something that meant I would be getting back to me more. Something that meant my home business would take off, or that we'd travel to tropical locales. A grandiose word that brought about images of excitement, thrill, or again, abundance. Falling asleep the night of the 2nd of January, I heard Him softly whisper. "Acceptance." Hm? Come again? "Acceptance." This felt so mundane. And I actually fought against it. Surely that wasn't meant to be my word for this year. And as ironic as it was, I didn't want to "accept" it. But as I sat with it for a couple of days, I saw so many ways in which this was a jumping off point to be a growing year for me. And He was right. Just as He always is. There have been heart issues I've been fighting against for some time. Situations, relationships, and just my role in life at the moment, that I need to accept. That I've tried to change, that are not my place to change, or that cannot be changed. They simply need to be accepted, and no one can do that but me. Whole-hearted, giving-it-to-God acceptance. And when I think about the heartwork and surrendering that this will take me this year, grandiose seems fitting after all. Do you pray for a word each year? Do you set a word for yourself? I'd love for you to share and I'd love to keep the conversation going on how it's going for you, (and in truth for me too.) Connect with me on Instagram at @NoshandNurture and we can chat about it.
November 2018