#1: Faith. When I get busy I am the first to admit that church falls to the wayside. I hope this changes when we are parents, as I want to instill its importance in our children's lives. I love our Lord with all my heart. Though I know, like with any habit, if I don't do it now, I can't expect to set a great example for my future children. However, God isn't only in church. He's in us, so I do make a point to do morning devotionals every day, couples devotionals at night with my hubs and stay active in prayer. And as it states "A Virtuous Woman serves God with all of her heart, mind and soul. She seeks His will for her life and follows His ways." This is something I try to be intentional with everyday. I look for Him for guidance in all areas of my life and I try to stay aware of ways He is asking me to serve him with those around me.
A lesson that I had to learn is... don't beat yourself up over how much you do or don't do. God knows our stories, our reasons, our excuses, and our attempts. He loves us no matter what, but I feel its important to make an effort so that we can grow. Comment and share how you stay active in your faith day to day. I'd love to hear inspiring feedback!
November 2018