Five years ago when I turned 25 I felt as though I went through the "quarter life crisis" phase in my life. I freaked. Stressed out to the max that I was turning 25. That my twenties were halfway over. That I was now officially a grown up. I looked at my long list of dreams and goals and realized I had done some cool stuff, but not nearly what I thought I would have accomplished and I didn't want to tell people I had reached 25. And last year looking forward to this milestone birthday, even then I was thinking.."it's best to keep this under wraps." That partly could have been the woman in me. Mixed with the background of growing up in the music industry and never wanting anyone, Disney or the like, to think I was ever post-pubescent so I could actually book work. But as I turned thirty last week, I can proudly say I'm loving the woman I am. The place I am in. The accomplishments God has helped me to achieve and the dreams He still allows to linger freely in my mind and in my heart so I can keep striving and keep creating. So, here I am. Thirty years old. Working away at those said dreams, building a home and a life with the man of my dreams. My Mr. Charming. Hoping one day we will own our own home. Raise our own babies. Make a difference in this world with this precious life. But one (birth)day at a time. So, about the party. It was amazing. Mr. Charming helped me to create a night to remember. I am the queen of themes, every year I theme my birthday bash as I always like to welcome the next year in style and this year to say goodbye to my roaring 20's we themed it as such. Beer served in bathtubs, flapper girls galore and casino games for all it was truly a stylish and glamorous soiree. The only unfortunate part of the evening was that I had to work the day of the party so I wasn't able to prepare a healthful Nosh & Nurture fitting menu, as we had to feed 50+ dinner & dessert. So the vegan cupcakes went unmade, and I was on a no-sugar kick. Although I was having SUCH a blast playing poker alongside my dad and taking fabulous photos with my friends that I barely noticed that the plate of carrots and broccoli was all I had munched on all evening. Mr. Charming made me a turkey patty and a side salad so I didn't pass out (thanks, honey!) And my box of gluten-free chocolate cake mix still sits unmade in my pantry. I plan to get to it soon. But you know what, being with those I love made my birthday. THEY were the icing on my cake.
With mine & Mr. Charming's hectic schedules sometimes we realize it's been weeks since we've been able to connect with family. Those are the times I get to recharge. To get love, to give love. As much as I advocate eating well, supplementing and physical fitness... quality time with loved ones ranks very high on the health-o-meter as well in my book. Check out the deliciousness that was part of the festivities. Getting together for games not have to equal beer, wings and pizza like American TV portrays it to be. My brother-in-law fired up the grill and we made grilled organic chicken and steaks and I tossed together some spinach, avocado, sea salt and apple cider vinegar for a heart healthy tangy salad. I added a little cinnamon applesauce on the side to mix up flavors and we enjoyed a meal together that was not only good for us but that gave us energy to endure a late night session of board game play.
For dessert I had a leftover piece of my gluten-free apple pie that I will debut on here next, with a mug of hot vanilla almond milk! It was SCRUMPTIOUS. I would LOVE to hear what your favorite board games are? I'm always up to try new ones. My birthday is next week and there is a game called "Wordie Wars" that I want so bad since I LOVE word games. (go figure) That's all I asked for, haha. Well that and gift cards to buy pretty clothes. Because what true girlie girl doesn't LOVE new clothes? ![]() When a tragedy strikes I believe we have the innate sense to help. However, when the tragedy happens far from home or when it's an overwhelming disaster we can feel so small and helpless in a world so big. I believe though, that even any tiny little thing we can do when we put our heart in the right place can help. Even if it's just one person or clean up one yard, or make a day a little easier on someone who is scared, lost or hurting. That's Gods purpose for it. I believe our inner health and happiness grows and flourishes when we are able to help our fellow man. Which brings me to my post. When I heard of the tornadoes in Oklahoma, like most of you, I felt like I should do something. These people lost their homes, some of them lost family members, friends, pets. It's unfathomable to imagine. And I felt at a loss of what I could do to help. Then one day as I was pinning and perusing recipes I was brought to a site that specializes in gluten-free packaged meals and a blogger was talking about the gluten-free crisis that takes place when disaster hits. And that's when I realized what I wanted to do to contribute. It's hard enough when you have access to clean water, organic food, and a working kitchen to make sure we eat clean and healthy so our bodies don't break down. But think about being someone with food allergies, sensitivities, celiac, leaky gut, etc without access to these things? They are saying that even with the Red Cross, as amazing as they are, bringing in food a lot of isn't Gluten Free and celiac's are living on fruit :( While they are greatful to have food, A church in OK teamed up with to supply safe food to those who need it! Today, June 10th, is the last day they are matching your order to double what is given but I believe they are accepting donations longer, shipping is FREE and the blog tells you where to send the food. All the information can be found here. You may visit if you have any questions. I spoke to an awesome rep there to verify all the details and it's wonderful what they are doing in conjunction with the church in OK. If you have already helped in others ways, don't feel pressured by this blog to do anything more. I just wanted to share my story and that I felt I was called to help in this way. Blessings! - Mandi As we move more and more into covering healthy fitness practices, I'd like to welcome Miss Kaity and her first official post here at Nosh & Nurture on the amazing benefits of Bikram yoga! You can read her amazing article here. This adorable graphic is also something she sent me and I found it simple & inspiring so I wanted to share it. As, although I was feeling a little hopeless yesterday, I prayed, stayed positive, ate clean and today has indeed been better than the previous day. Always stay positive for life is a journey of ups and downs and if we can hold on tight during the downs we can look forward to enjoying the ups.
So, my Nosh & Nurture readers, today I came home to ANTS. It's summer and they've made their way into my kitchen seeking water and food I'm sure. We've located the little mound out in our yard, but Mr. Charming's instinct was to grab the ant spray for in our home! Since we are in the process of ELIMINATING all chemicals and toxins from our environment I'm thinking ant POISON is the LAST thing I want in my home, especially in my kitchen. So for the time being we sprayed our vinegar counter cleaner on them while we research natural ways to eliminate them and detour them from entering out home. Are there any natural remedies YOU'VE used on these little picnic-y pests? Leave advice in the comment box in the right hand column! Any advice would be appreciated. When we find a good solution, I will post it here as well.
Anxiety. fatigue. constipation. anxiety. anxiety. For those on the outside looking in, we are seen as the ones who have the picky diet. The one that is almost annoying to invite to dinner. The one who always brings her lunch, the one who is too tired to hang out sometimes. The one who is too anxious to drive over. The one who seems to have a lot of stress bogging her down when she has so much good. For those who have the issues that we have, and for us, ourselves. It's a process. A whole frustratingly, sometimes hopeless process. Of balancing food that our body won't attack. Balancing hormones, balancing vitamins and minerals that our body is so severely depleted of. And as a lady, who loves her God more than anything. Tries to do so with grace. With a smile on her face, knowing that she has His hope, His peace, and His light with which to guide this sometimes rocky, unstable and frightening path.
Luckily I have an amazing doctor. The ability to get the food and minerals I need. But somedays it's hard. Really hard. And you get knocked down. Scared. Take two steps back. And you look around and you say thank you to those who support you. It's days like this where I am glad I started Nosh & Nurture. So I could release some of my thoughts. So I could connect to others who HAVE to cut out gluten or you get sick, or mentally disrupted by it. Those who know it's not a trend or a fad. Connect to those who understand the gut & psychological syndrome. (which I will be touching on a lot more now that I am starting to share my story more..) God has put me on this path for a reason, and it's OK. As long as He is holding on strong and not letting go, I shall trust this path and do what I can to keep my body, mind and spirit as healthy as possible. While the center of my story is about the food, I have learned there is so much to care for in the way of our mind body and spirit. Not just for myself but for my family and those around me as well. As Mr. Charming and I hope to one day be healthy enough to bring a little baby into the picture, nurture felt fitting for this time in our lives. So, I bring you to the new and improved NOSH&NURTURE.
nosh [nosh] noun 1. a snack verb (used with object) 2. to snack on: They noshed on broccoli and carrots at the picnic. noun nur·ture [nur-cher] verb (used with object) 1. to feed and protect: to nurture one's offspring. 2. to support and encourage. 3. to bring up; train; educate. 4. something that nourishes; nourishment; food. |
December 2013
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aboutNosh & Nurture was born of this journey I am on to better the health of myself, my family and those around me. What started as a simple compilation of recipes has grown to a all-around lifestyle journal with ways to incorporate organic products into your home, pantry and beauty cabinet. I also include stories on pregnancy, new motherhood, travel, Proverbs 31 marriage, and spiritual health, as I am a Christian who couldn't do any of this without my Lord & Savior Jesus Christ. For more of my story you can click here.
All recipes are gluten-free and dairy-free with a lot of soy-free, grain-free, sugar-free options. |
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