I have to be honest.
Haha, see what I did there? Of all the Honest products I've tried (and adored), this one just didn't float my boat so much. I LOVE that they don't contain all the nasty chemicals, and I was excited to try a dryer sheet, as I had gone completely off of them because of the poor choices on the market today. I dealt with clingy, staticy, fragrance-less clothes for a long time and I wanted to find something that I could use and love. And though these did help with static cling, I just wasn't as impressed as I have been with the rest of the Honest line. It's odd that they are wet. They don't re-seal well and even though I put them in a sealable baggy to try to lengthen their life, they still dried up and didn't seem to do much once in my dryer. I guess I'm just wondering, why do they have to be wet? I will continue on as a Honest customer, as I have previously posted I LOVE their dishwasher tabs and multi-purpose cleaner, but I will be passing on the dryer cloths as I think I've found another natural option that works much better and is designed much more like a traditional dryer sheet. It's a journey to find the right products to restock a home that once used traditional "commerical" and chemical-laden products. But it's a journey that's worth taking! Would love to hear what you think if you've tried them or what you use for your laundry days! :)
June 2022