There I stood. Butterflies in my stomach as I raised my hand to tap on the large wooden door. It was a chilly evening in February 2007. An evening of one of our very first dates. You planned to prepare me dinner, rent a scary movie and I would be seeing your home for the first time. It was warm and glowing, romantic without the vibe that you tried to hard, and the food smelled delicious. You were, as you always are, intimidatingly handsome and you smelled wonderful. Chicken, potatoes, carrots and onions filled our bellies while deep conversation about life and our past and our future dreams filled my soul. I knew then, this might be it. You, might be everything. Turns out I was right. This home, your home, after we dated a bit more and I toured the world a while longer, became my home too. We’ve celebrated birthdays here, most memorable being our respective thirtieth bashes (a surprise party for him, a casino party for me) and of course our sons first Sesame Street bash. Christmas here is magical and dinner parties have sparked community and conversation and deepened our walk with Christ. We’ve made big memories here. Like planning our wedding until the wee morning in our living room, planning our family and praying over what it would look like. Losing our first pregnancy and in God's great redemptive story, finding out our sweet Grey was coming. There’s also been many small, beautiful moments peppered in between the larger than life ones. Like movie nights snuggled on our sofa, playing games around our poker table with friends, laughing fits and story times and walks through our neighborhood and hot showers after long days and all the meals we’ve prepared and enjoyed day in and day out. Our home, our refuge from the world that we have been blessed to know. Though I must say, it’s never felt more like our home than it has these past two years. Bringing our darling Grey home, this place has become something so much sweeter. It’s within these walls we are molding a little life. Helping him crawl, walk and run seemed to happened at lightening speed. While watching him talk, play and show love has made my heart burst with joy. For who he is. Who we are. Just us three. To our first home as a couple, a husband and wife, and as parents, I’m grateful for you. As we look towards our future, and what God is writing that to look like, as we start to pack up our mementos and things from this home, may we always cherish the memories we’ve made here, no matter where life may take us and what roof we lie under.
To the house that built "us", thank you for every thing.
June 2022